Total Transformation

Total Transformation

The idea for this actually came to me yesterday, but it was a Monday. So, I decided to create this post as a Transformation Tuesday post.

The idea came to me because of that beautiful little feature we’ve all come to know and love, Facebook Memories. To walk down memory lane and read old posts and see old photos, year(s) to the day, is a gift. It’s like opening up the photo album to that very space in time.

We went to a super fun party with friends Saturday night. It’s become an annual tradition. ALWAYS a great time, of epic proportions. And there are ALWAYS pictures taken. Tons and tons and tons of pictures. This came up in my memories from a year ago yesterday.

At first glance, I cringed. But then I realized. It was at this point, February of last year, that I realized I needed to DO something. Because as of the previous fall, I was all of a sudden not only not losing weight any more, but gaining it back. No matter what I did for exercise. No matter how little I ate or how healthily I ate. I was starving, exhausted and not getting anywhere. I knew I had to do something. But what?

The scientist in me started where all good scientific minds start. Research. At the same time, I decided I needed to up my physical activity game. So I downloaded an abs workout app on my phone. A daily workout, different each day. But, as we know, those “free” apps–not exactly “free”. Interspersed throughout these free daily workouts were videos and eye-catching articles on “eliminating that stubborn belly-fat” and “ways to get those wash-board abs”. But one video title in particular caught my eye. It was by a physician who specializes her entire practice on treating patients with obesity. Through years of research, she had determined that stubborn weight gain and inability to lose weight isn’t entirely “our” fault, after all. Whoa. I may be on to something, here. I kept watching.

Turns out, the food we ingest on a regular basis is processed. And through processing, there are additives that our bodies just cannot break down. Our digestive enzymes and gut bacteria are not genetically engineered to chew it up and have it become a fuel source for our bodies. The food doesn’t spend enough time in our digestive tract for that to happen. And when something can’t be broken down and utilized as fuel, it gets stored away as fat, “for later”, like that $5 bill you have stashed in your glove compartment in case you need gas and forgot your wallet at home. It made sense. She also went on to say there are certain things that are especially bad when it comes to the body not being able to recognize and digest for fuel: high fructose corn syrup is the biggest culprit. Look on the labels of so-called “healthy” food items (protein bars, cereals, granola, even yogurt), and you will be shocked to see high fructose corn syrup. It’s not natural, and your body cannot break it down for fuel. So where does it go? Right into the fat stores. Another thing to watch for: added sugars. Yup. EVERYWHERE. Go ahead. Look in your cupboards. I’ll wait. Unless you are mindful of what you’re buying, and reading labels on everything, I will bet you anything you’ve got tons of things in your cabinets that have sugar in them, that you never even thought would. Season blends, condiments (including salad dressings), canned soups, and the like, the majority of the big brand names have added sugars. And starches. No bueno.

Now, I can see a sales pitch when I see one, from a mile away. But my scientific brain could see that this all made perfect, legitimate sense. So I started researching. There are blends of probiotics and digestive enzymes by the hundreds out there. Mainly formulated by doctors, all claiming to be the very best. All pretty pricey. So I just sat on it.

A month went by and still I had done nothing. Yup. That’s me. Procrastinator by nature. Then my zumba instructor decided to host a Healthy Living seminar. So, of course I was all in. Enter Arbonne.

All the same information I had found from numerous sources. With the addition of more information on things to avoid in your diet. I was amazed. Because in the scientific community, when you hear the same thing from multiple sources, it’s considered legit. It’s considered noteworthy. It was a fairly significant monetary investment, as well as shaking up my morning routine. And quite honestly, if I had looked at this list:

for more than the 5 minutes I had, I would never have done it. How can I possibly go without my morning Dunks’ stop? It was my routine. It was how I got a great start to my day. But, I knew I needed a change. So, I decided. I decided I was worth it. I decided I could do anything I set my mind to do. And I decided to ask, “what if it works”. I was all in.

And it didn’t take me more than a DAY to see real results. Four pounds gone in the first day. Yes, they tell you NOT to weigh yourself every day. But it was a habit I was already doing and still do to this day. It holds me accountable. And, I’m performing an experiment of my own. I want to see how what I do each day affects that number on the scale. And the proof was in the pictures. My first 30 days, I lost 17 pounds. Wanted to hit 20, but it was still significant and I was beyond ecstatic. Decided to keep on going.

And going I did. And going. And going.

And I feel so great. It’s a lifestyle change that I have fully embraced. I did hit that 20. Before the summer. And then, surprisingly, throughout the summer, without really trying, I lost another 5. That was with being naughty on weekends. With going to parties and drinking and eating all the things. But I found myself making better choices. Better portion control. And then my body craved the return to clean eating routine. All of this making this lifestyle choice completely sustainable. I mean, I have ZERO will power. None. Back in the day, a jumbo bag of Starburst would get eaten up in a couple days’ time. Chocolate chip cookies? Forget about it. Ice cream? O. M. G. So, believe me when I say, if I can do this (which I did, and still do), ANYBODY can. No, there’s no Arbonne police watching your every move and arresting you if you eat a cookie. Yes, you will have better results the closer you stick to the program. No, you don’t have to continue with it for the rest of your life. I keep doing it because I feel better eating this way. My breakfast shake is super convenient. I make pancakes, waffles and yummy muffins with the protein powder, too. I love my clean lunches and dinners. Fizz sticks are my life. I do eat carbs. I do eat pasta. And I’ve learned that some things I just can’t eat anymore because they make me feel like crap. French fries and onion rings are a huge no no for me now. But after a drunken night partying it up on Duval Street in Key West, a slice of pizza the size of my head on the way home is exactly what I need and doesn’t bother me a bit. If I happen to have really tied one on and wake up hangin hard, a burger and bloody or mac and cheese and a milkshake do the job just fine and I’m back in fighting shape. And then back to clean eating I go. I may gain a pound or two in the process, but it sheds away just as quickly. Sustainable.

Same thing over the holidays. I went to Florida for 3 weeks in November, including Thanksgiving. Ate and drank my body weight. But made some healthier choices overall. Most of the time. I had lost 35 pounds total when I left for that vacation. When I got back, I gained a pound and a half. That’s it! And that was lost my first day back. Back to clean eating, and in less than a month, on New Year’s Eve, I hit my 40 pound mark. Never, in a million years, could I have imagined myself in a slinky, sparkly dress. But I did it.

We had plans of going to a lovely inn in Vermont for a big New Year’s Eve party, complete with dinner and dancing, overnight stay and brunch buffet. However, my husband came down with mono on Dec 12th and did not recover in time. (that’s a story for another time) But I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I put on that slinky, sparkly party dress and heels and paraded around the living room, proud as a peacock, loving the skin I’m in. I was promised another time to be able to wear that dress…

And so, here I am now. A year later. I’ve learned so much about so much. How my body truly functions best. How the food we eat affects us. To read the labels of everything I buy. That avoiding soy, processed sugars and starches, dairy and other inflammatory ingredients is the major key to the healthiest lifestyle. That the FDA is not doing anything to protect us from all the crap the food manufacturers put into the products they sell. That just because it’s labelled “healthy” doesn’t make it so. That I am my own best health and nutrition advocate.

And as happy as I am with this picture, that first picture makes me pretty happy, too. That girl was a happy girl. But she knew she needed to do something, found it, did it, and never, ever looked back. Never once said “I can’t do this”. Never once gave up. That girl decided she was worth it. That girl also decided to become an Independent Consultant with Arbonne to spread the word about the product line, the benefits and the healthy living lifestyle. Let me know if you’d like me to help you help yourself!!

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  • Jenna says:

    This is awesome and very insightful! So happy for you and the success you’re having with taking care of your body! I am a fellow Arbonne consultant as well and love all their products and what they stand for!

    • Tara says:

      Thank you so much!
      I think one of my favorite things about this company is their constant strive to improve the pure, safe and beneficial properties of everything they create.