
In pursuit of optimum health, I’ve come to recognize that health includes body, mind, heart and soul. To that end, I choose sources of joy, happiness, love and inspiration to nourish my emotional health while I take care of my physical health through clean eating and regular exercise.

First, and foremost, are the people in my life. They say friends are the family your heart chooses and I wholeheartedly believe that. I consider myself one of the luckiest souls on the planet to have a core group of BFFs. One, my truest, bluest BFF, I’ve known since the First grade. The one person in my life I’ve known longer than my husband. Another, since 7th grade. And two others, great girlfriends since high school, that since reconnecting with 9 years ago, have grown to be part of my tribe. My soul sisters. The ones I can call, any time, day or night, and they’d be by my side before we hung up. The ones we can go without being together for weeks on end, but yet when we get together, we can either rip it up, or talk through the tough stuff of life. They’ve all been through a helluva lot in their lives. They each have unique qualities that make them so very special. But together, we are a force to be reckoned with. They are my family and I love them dearly.

I have other many close friends that we spend a lot of time with. We’ve done parties together, celebrated family milestones together, traveled together. Some we’ve known since high school, some we’ve met more recently. But the theme is the same. Great people who nourish my soul. I told you, I am one of the luckiest souls on the planet.

I also have my Arbonne tribe, the most recent addition to my life, but I am just as grateful for them. Strong, capable women, entrepreneurs with warrior hearts and I love them to pieces.

Lastly, there are people I have found through social media whom I have come to follow regularly. They can make me laugh, they can inspire me, they can move me, as much as my people in my life. But they speak to me in a way that makes me feel just that: they are speaking to me. Whether it’s mundane life stuff or the tough stuff of adulting, or the kick in the pants I need, these gems I have found have improved my emotional well-being immeasurably.

I’m excited to share some insights, anecdotes and inspiration in hopes you gain some value from them as well.